
Coming Full Circle

Well, 2 years later and things come full circle! Just putting the finishing touches on a website makeover and hopefully making it something a bit less sterile.

I got tired of using Squarespace as my web host, paying a yearly fee for something I barely touch just didn't sit right with me and so I turned to what I knew... Static Site Generators.

Quickly settling on one called Zola along with a theme I liked, I was able to in only a few nights migrate my entire website over. I am amazed at how quick this process was, also customising the theme to suit my needs better. This was a manual process as Squarespace could only export a wordpress xml file that didn't play nicely with anything I tried to convert it to markdown.

Still a few things left to do to finish migrating:

All in all, I'm very impressed with not only Zola but also Github Actions. Having the website auto build and deploy on push just makes the entire process feel a little bit slicker!

/personal/ /life/ /website/