Here you'll find a random assortment of content from CG related to anything hobby based, loosely organised by category 😊
- Houdini Notes - Over the years I've put some of my notes into a "wiki", it's not been updated in a while as much and probably a bit outdated in places but I still find it useful to refer to when doing certain things.
The last couple of years I've been slowly trying to learn Italian; from simply using duolingo to taking it more seriously with lessons and immersion. I'm particularly interested in the local dialect spoken, which a regional dialect of Neapolitan (specifically Campagnia).
Here's a list of resources I use or have made.
- What do you need to know to learn a foreign language? - This book helped me to begin structuring my practice and "learning how to learn".
- Duolingo - It's fun keeping the streak alive and has helped me learn new vocabulary.